Hello CIMSA!
SCORP CIMSA FK UNRI completed the ROOT (Learn More About Autism) activity on 2 December 2023. ROOT is held at Sekolah Luar Biasa Pembina, Pekanbaru, from 08.45 am to 11.30 am WIB. The theme of this activity is “the role of the family and diet in the development of children with autism” and providing material using the presentation method by the Himpunan Psikolog Indonesia, namely Sherly Aztri, M.Psi., Psikolog and Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia, namely Sarah Maulida, S.Gz., M.Sc.
ROOT was carried out by SCORP CIMSA FK UNRI because, based on the results of the distributed assessment, it was found that there were still many respondents who did not know about the role of the family and diet in autism’s development. Based on the assessment results, 50% of respondents are not aware of the common symptoms found in individuals with autism, 68.1% of respondents do not know the foods that should be avoided by individuals with autism, and 90.9% of respondents know how to handle autism.
Before ROOT was held, OC had received training from the Human Rights Trainer SCORP CIMSA, namely Silvi Angelia May Purba, with the material theme about “Vulnerability and Intersectionality,” which was held on November 30th, 2023, at 7.00 pm WIB. It is also hoped that OCs who are medical students can understand and interpret vulnerability and intersectionality in fulfilling human rights.
ROOT is held targeting parents who have children with autism who do not yet understand the role of the family in the development of their children and the dietary patterns of children with autism. Therefore, after the presentation of materials by nutritionists and psychologists, it is hoped that parents’ knowledge will increase in efforts to optimize the growth and development of their children. The indicator used to measure the success of this activity is the post-test score conducted after the material presentation. There was an increase in the percentage of parents’ knowledge (34 individuals) to 77.39% from the pre-test result of 60.72%. ROOT received positive responses from both the school and the parents of the students, so it is hoped that this activity can continue in the future.